Recent Events
August 18th 2019
March for Non-violence and Peace
International Ahimsa Foundation Inc. cordially invites you to a “March for Non-violence and Peace” under its banner on Sunday, August 19th, 2019 at the 38th India Day Parade organized by the Federation of India (FIA).

May 5th 2019
Non- Violence "A Message of Lord Mahavir"
(Lord Mahavir's Birth Anniversary) & Commemorate 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi at Consulate General of India, New York Sunday, May 05, 2019
Hosted by Dr. Neeta Jain, District Leader, 25th Assebly.
With special guests :
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney
Professor Lawrence A. Babb
August 19th 2018
March for Non-violence and Peace
International Ahimsa Foundation Inc. cordially invites you to a “March for Non-violence and Peace” under its banner on Sunday, August 19th, 2018 at the 38th India Day Parade organized by the Federation of India (FIA).

July 4th 2018
Independence Day Celebration
Hosted by Dr. Neeta Jain, District Leader, 25th Assebly. with special guests :
Hon. Congressman Gregory Meeks
Hon. Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
Hon. Congresswoman Grece Meng
May 6th 2018
Mahavir Jayanti Celebration
This will be the first time we are celebrating this event at the Indian Consulate in New York. Mahavir Jayanti is one of the most auspicious and revered days observed by Jains, Hindus, and other Indians around the world.

June 21st 2018
JAIN Youth Exchange Program
These young Jain students from India, Australia, and Nepal in the JAIN Youth Exchange Program have come here to meet and learn from successful leaders in the Jain community. It was an honor to be one of the mentors and meet with them to have a conversation about Government & Civic Engagement.
July 3rd 2011
Conference on Jain Studies in Academia
Dr. Neeta Jain at JAINA Conference, (Federation of Jain Associations in North America), 2011 at Huston (Texas), for Jain Studies in Academia.